Buy NU'EST albums, music, DVDs and merchandise in the Seoul-Mate online shop
NU'EST (뉴이스트) was a South Korean boy band formed and managed by the record label Pledis Entertainment.
The group consisted of five members: JR, Aron, Baekho, Minhyun, and Ren. They debuted the single "Face" on March 15, 2012. The group disbanded on March 15, 2022 after Aron, JR and Ren left Pledis Entertainment after their 10-year contract expired.
Her farewell album is a best-of album entitled The Best Album Needle & Bubble .
NU'EST Albums, Music, DVDs for Seoulmates at Seoul-Mate.de
On Seoul-Mate.de you will find not only the latest music releases from the band, but also merchandise that makes fan hearts beat faster.
With direct shipping from Germany, you don't have to worry about long delivery times or high, hidden customs costs.
Order albums, DVDs and more from NU'EST conveniently here in the online shop and get a little closer to your idols.